Oh my goodness- I feel like I could write an essay back to ALL the things that touched me about this piece! So instead a couple of things. :) The first part of this essay I think is such an important discussion--having adult relationships with adult children! Parenting and being parented, really doesn't just end when the kids "leave for college"! There is still so much important relationship-ing that can happen. And I think there's a lack of awareness and lack of safe places to talk about those, yep- once again complicated aspects of parenting. So thank you for writing about it- in such a gentle, accessible way, here. And as for the second part of your essay--yes the beginning years of parenting! And how our desires for our children's "safety" and well-being feel so inextricably tied to our own journeys in life- however "old" they become and however "young" you remain....

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